Metalon city (heaven's metal town)

*Welcome to Metalon City, a town in heaven where you will find Christian metal music to download free. *Bienvenidos a La ciudad Metalon, una Ciudad del cielo donde podras descargar musica de Metal cristiano gratis

Artist: Shadows of Paragon
Album: Through the valley within (2009)
Genre: Unblack/Death metal


Track List:


2.Repressed Experience

3.The Ocean Of Inane Thoughts

4.Fear Of Being Forever Lost

5.Fall Leaves

6.Without a Veil Concealing My Sight

7.Darkness Fading


9.A Tranquil Image of a Wounded Child

10.In the Midst of the Morbid Darkness

11.At War

12.Kyrie Eleison

13.Dawn of Insight

Link For Downloading:

2 comentarios:

sergio dijo...

buenisimo aver que tal suena gracias por la subida del disco, creo que comprare el original

armo dijo...

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